GST number of Axis Bank Limited is 27AAACU2414K3ZD. Axis Bank Limited is registered as a Public Limited Company. This business was registered under GST on 20/03/2018. This is GST number of Maharashtra state.
Particulars | Details |
GST Number (GSTIN) | 27AAACU2414K3ZD |
Business Name | Axis Bank Limited |
Address | Axis Bank Ltd, Credit Card Operations, Gigaplex, 4th Floor NPC 1, Building No. 1, Plot No. I.T.5 Navi Mumbai Maharashtra |
Pincode | 400708 |
Entity Type | Public Limited Company |
Registration Type | Regular |
Department Code and Type | SANPADA_601, MHCG1357, VW0701, RANGE-I |
Nature of Business | Export, Supplier of Services, Recipient of Goods or Services, Import |
Registration Date | 20/03/2018 |
Axis Bank Limited is registered with 59 GST numbers in different states. List of GST numbers associated is as below. This Public Limited Company is registered in 59 states. You can check details of each state by clicking on below links.
GST number | State |
20AAACU2414K2ZS | Jharkhand |
21AAACU2414K3ZP | Odisha |
37AAACU2414K1ZE | Andhra Pradesh |
27AAACU2414K4ZC | Maharashtra |
35AAACU2414K1ZI | - |
17AAACU2414K1ZG | Meghalaya |
26AAACU2414K1ZH | Dadra and Nagar Haveli |
33AAACU2414K2ZL | Tamil Nadu |
34AAACU2414K1ZK | Puducherry |
32AAACU2414K2ZN | Kerala |
03AAACU2414K2ZO | Punjab |
05AAACU2414K2ZK | Uttarakhand |
07AAACU2414K2ZG | Delhi |
08AAACU2414K2ZE | Rajasthan |
09AAACU2414K2ZC | Uttar Pradesh |
10AAACU2414K3ZS | Bihar |
12AAACU2414K1ZQ | Arunachal Pradesh |
19AAACU2414K2ZB | West Bengal |
22AAACU2414K2ZO | Chhattisgarh |
23AAACU2414K3ZL | Madhya Pradesh |
24AAACU2414K2ZK | Gujarat |
25AAACU2414K1ZJ | Daman and Diu |
29AAACU2414K2ZA | Karnataka |
35AAACU2414K2ZH | Andaman and Nicobar Islands |
36AAACU2414K2ZF | Telangana |
37AAACU2414K2ZD | Andhra Pradesh |
02AAACU2414K1ZR | Himachal Pradesh |
01AAACU2414K1ZT | Jammu and Kashmir |
27AAACU2414K2ZE | Maharashtra |
23AAACU2414K2ZM | Madhya Pradesh |
30AAACU2414K1ZS | Goa |
08AAACU2414K1ZF | Rajasthan |
18AAACU2414K1ZE | Assam |
20AAACU2414K1ZT | Jharkhand |
10AAACU2414K2ZT | Bihar |
14AAACU2414K1ZM | Manipur |
15AAACU2414K1ZK | Mizoram |
13AAACU2414K1ZO | Nagaland |
16AAACU2414K1ZI | Tripura |
27AAACU2414K1ZF | Maharashtra |
21AAACU2414K1ZR | - |
33AAACU2414K1ZM | Tamil Nadu |
24AAACU2414K3ZJ | Gujarat |
19AAACU2414K1ZC | West Bengal |
07AAACU2414K1ZH | Delhi |
22AAACU2414K1ZP | Chhattisgarh |
11AAACU2414K1ZS | Sikkim |
06AAACU2414K1ZJ | Haryana |
24AAACU2414K1ZL | Gujarat |
09AAACU2414K1ZD | Uttar Pradesh |
05AAACU2414K1ZL | Uttarakhand |
32AAACU2414K1ZO | Kerala |
21AAACU2414K2ZQ | Odisha |
04AAACU2414K1ZN | Chandigarh |
36AAACU2414K1ZG | Telangana |
29AAACU2414K1ZB | Karnataka |
03AAACU2414K1ZP | Punjab |
33AAACU2414K3ZK | Tamil Nadu |
10AAACU2414K1ZU | - |
GST number 27AAACU2414K3ZD belongs to Axis Bank Limited . 27AAACU2414K3ZD is registered in Maharashtra state. Business of this entiry is registerd as a Public Limited Company. Contact details such as Email, Mobile number or customer care are not shared with us.
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