Palm beach county plat application

[Revised: 1/21/2021]

All revisions under this round are noted with [1/2021]


1.A.1 Sufficiency Review

Pursuant to Art. 2.A.7, Sufficiency Review, of the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC), an application must contain sufficient and accurate information, which includes but is not limited to: application forms, plans and supporting documents for the Development Review Officer (DRO) and other County Agencies to commence review. In reviewing an application for sufficiency, the DRO will reference the Sufficiency Checklist. An application will be deemed insufficient if certain critical information is incomplete, missing or not accurate.

For Public Hearing, Administrative Review, and Administrative Modifications through Full DRO, see the Sufficiency Checklist for Public Hearing and Full DRO Application Process:

For Administrative Modifications through Zoning Agency Review (ZAR) or Type 1 Variance(s), see the Sufficiency Checklist for ZAR or Type 1 Variance Process (application must be submitted electronically, aka online).

1.A.1.A Application Submission

All Applications for PIAs shall be submitted in person or electronically by appointment only. Please Contact the Code Revision Section for assistance.

1.A.2 Documents Required by County Agencies (Zoning, Land Development, Survey and Traffic)

The following documents may be required as part of the Zoning application submittal. Examples of these documents and reference to websites are provided to assist the Applicants in the preparation of Zoning applications. For definitions and property development regulations, refer to the ULDC.

1.A.2.A Cross Access Agreement

A restrictive covenant requiring property owners to share access points between adjacent properties and all internal access ways in order to provide safe traffic circulation by eliminating the number of curb cuts on the street system through the establishment of a cross-access easement.

1.A.2.B Drainage Study or Drainage Statement

A statement outlining how the stormwater runoff system will be designed for a proposed or existing project. It shall also list the Agencies responsible for the regulation and permitting of stormwater runoff for the site and identify the location of the legal positive outfall for the site.

All Drainage documents must be digitally signed and sealed and be capable of verification in conformance with Rule Chapter 61G15-23 Seals, Florida Administrative Code & Florida Administrative Register. All digital signatures and seals shall be verifiable.

1.A.2.C Shared Parking Agreement and Study

1. Shared Parking Agreement - A restrictive covenant between Property Owners that allows the reduction of parking for multiple or mixed use development in close proximity to one another, and which have different peak parking demand and operating hours. The covenant is usually supported by a Shared Parking Study. See Shared Parking definition in the ULDC (Art. 1. H, Definitions and Acronyms). [1/2021]

2. Shared Parking Study - A study to allow for a reduction of parking spaces required for different uses located on the same or nearby parcels. The uses must have different peak parking demands and operating hours.

1.A.2.D Parking Demand Statement

A statement, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer, that identifies the proposed use(s) and affirms that the proposed number of parking spaces will not negatively impact the use(s) or users of the site if a Type 1 Waiver to reduce required parking is granted.

1 .A.2.E Survey

All Zoning applications submitted for approval to the Survey Section must include a certified, signed and sealed Boundary Survey to support the Master Plan (initial), Site Plan or Plat and be prepared by a Florida Professional Surveyor and Mapper and be less than one year old. A Survey subject to the above requirements may be requested by the Zoning Division for the review of other types of applications, e.g. Building Permit review.

a. Residential and commercial Boundary Surveys submitted for approval to the Survey Section must be a certified, signed and sealed Boundary Survey prepared within one year by a Florida Professional Surveyor and Mapper.

b. Boundary Survey must also conform to the most current Florida Standards of Practice and all Palm Beach County requirements in force at the time of application.

c. Boundary Surveys for commercial properties must support a Zoning (Master, Site or Subdivision) Plan.

  1. Title - A Title Policy, Title Commitment, Title Search/Exam, Opinion of Title or Property Information Report (options mandated by use) current to within one year must be shown on all surveys, including date, policy number, issuers name, address and the disposition of all schedule B-II encumbrances. Title information must be kept current to within one year throughout the entire approval process.
  1. Digital Signature and Seal - All survey documents must be digitally signed and sealed and be capable of verification in conformance with Florida Surveying and Mapping Standards of Practice Rule 5J-17.062, Procedures for signing and sealing electronically transmitted plans, specification, reports or other documents. All digital signatures and seals shall be verifiable.
  1. Plat - A recorded Plat may be submitted in lieu of a Boundary Survey when the Master Plan, Site Plan and Plat are identical and the Plat is less than one year old. A “Tree Survey”, "As-Built" or "Record Survey" may be required as needed and as directed by the Survey Section.
  1. Modifications to Prior ApprovedMaster Plans - Applications with proposed internal modifications to a previously approved Master Plan, that propose no changes to the last approved Master Plan acreage, boundary or legal description shall not be required to submit a new legal description or survey of the subject property. The Applicant shall clearly indicate in the required Application documents (e.g. Forms, Justification Statement), that the modifications are only internal to the subject property, and the approved acreage, boundary/legal description will remain the same. [1/2021]

1.A.2.F Traffic Impact Study or Statement

A traffic study of links and intersections within the Test 1 Radius of Development Influence and Test 2 Radius of Development Influence of a proposed Project; and including the information, and prepared in accordance with the requirements, set forth in Art. 12.C.1.C.2, Traffic Generation. For the Transportation Element of the Plan, it is the "LOS Impact Statement" referred to in the Capital Improvement Element of the Plan.

  1. Digital Signature and Seal - All Traffic documents must be digitally signed and sealed and be capable of verification in conformance with Rule Chapter 61G15-23 Seals, Florida Administrative Code & Florida Administrative Register. All digital signatures and seals shall be verifiable.

1.A.2.G Unity of Title

A document recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of PBC stipulating that a lot, lots or parcel of land shall be held under single ownership, shall not be eligible for further subdivision and shall not be transferred, conveyed, sold or divided in any unit other than in its entirety.

1.A.2.H Unity of Control

In accordance with ULDC Art. 5.F, Legal Documents and Art. 11, Subdivision, Platting, and Required Improvements and Art. 3.E.1.I, Unified Control, a covenant recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of PBC stipulating that a lot, lots, or project with different owners shall be developed according to a common site or master plan providing unified control and the combined lots shall meet land development requirements as if they are one lot.

1.A.3 DRO Agencies Required for Site Plan Amendments through Zoning Agency Review (ZAR)

The list below provides the most common requests to amend approved Zoning plans and the agency involved. This table is to be used to determine the total number of agencies required to review an application for an administrative modification through the ZAR pursuant to Art. 2.C.4.A.3, ZAR. This list is not intended to be exhaustive as the DRO may also determine an agency needs to review an application based on a reason not listed here, if so the Applicant or Agent will be informed of the reason(s). [1/2021]

Table 1.A.1 DRO Agencies Required for Site Plan Amendments through ZAR [1/2021]