Omission of the articles

We do not use articles before uncountable and abstract nouns used in a general sense.

Note that uncountable nouns take the article the when used in a particular sense.

Before plural countable nouns

We do not use articles before plural countable nouns used in a general sense.

Note that plural nouns take the article the when they are used in a particular sense.

Before proper nouns

We do not use articles before the names of countries, people, continents, cities, rivers and lakes.

Before the names of meals

We do not use articles before the names of meals.

We use a when there is an adjective before breakfast, lunch, dinner etc. We use the when we are talking about a particular meal.

Before languages

We do not use articles before the names of languages.

Before school, college, university, church, bed, hospital, prison etc.

The is used before these words when the reference is to the building or object rather than to the normal activity that goes on there.