Resumes with Impact: Creating Strong Bullet Points

How can you make your resume stand out to an employer?

Using the STAR method

The STAR method can help you create impactful descriptions for each experience on your resume.

First, read through the posting for a job that interests you. This will help you understand the role and the employer’s needs. Identify the skills and qualities they seek. You can usually find them in the responsibilities and qualifications sections.

Next, use the STAR method to describe the context of your work, your actions, and how your actions had positive impact on the organization.

Situation: What was the situation, problem, or conflict you were facing?

Task: What were you tasked with? What were your responsibilities or goals?

Action: What action did you take? What did you do to solve this problem? (start with action verbs)

Result: What was the result or outcome of your action? How did it benefit the organization? Can this result be quantified?

Follow the STAR method to create descriptions that incorporate the key skills and qualities the employer is seeking. Your final statement will start with the action section and include the results section when appropriate.


Skills/qualities you want to show: initiative, organization, analytical thinking, writing, interpersonal skills, problem solving

Situation: The trainees were learning too slowly and could not navigate the company’s data tracking system by the end of the two-week training period. Instead, they were not ready for another two weeks.

Task: Help trainees learn the system faster.

Action: Initiated, wrote, and edited the first training manual for the company’s data tracking system. Successfully presented proposal to use manual to management. Revised training program curriculum to implement new manual. Trainees worked through the manual during the two-week training period.

Result: At the end of the training period, trainees were ready to use the data tracking system two weeks earlier than expected; the training manual was adopted across the company and is still in use.

FINAL STATEMENT FOR RESUME: Initiated, wrote, and edited the first training manual for company’s data tracking system, which cut training period in half, was adopted across the company, and is still in use today.

This example could focus on different skills (communication, persuasion, leadership, training), depending on what’s relevant to the job.

Bullet Point Examples

What, How, and Why

Answer these questions to transform a generic description into an impactful bullet point.


Generic Description

Public Health Society, Events Coordinator

In this example, it is not clear what the candidate did to organize events and panels, what skills they used, or what kind of events and panels they organized. Because of this, the writer misses the chance to showcase the skills used to carry out this task.

Strong, Concrete Description

Public Health Society, Events Coordinator

Add context and skills (WHAT was the situation and HOW were the tasks accomplished) to deepen the information provided.

In this example, the first bullet point clearly highlights organizational skills. It also lets the employer know the scope, target audience, and frequency of the events. This efficiently illustrates the candidate’s abilities and experience.

The second bullet point indicates research and interpersonal skills, which were used to secure panelists. It also demonstrates the ability to communicate with professionals outside of the university.

The third bullet highlights a specific business skill and/or the ability to be strategic in marketing, as well as familiarity with using social media for marketing purposes.

Adding Accomplishments and Impact:

Employers review resumes to understand the impact you’ve had on a project, organization, or company. Explain WHY your actions matter; how did your actions affect outcomes? For instance:

Review each statement you’ve created for your resume. Can you add an accomplishment or achievement? What happened as a result of that action? How did it benefit the organization? You don’t need to add a result to every bullet point on your resume, but it’s helpful to demonstrate achievements when possible.

What does this look like? In the bullet point about marketing materials and social media, this might read:

These statements combine the Action and Result sections of the STAR method.