NL extends teachers contract two years

Teachers in the Northern Lehigh School District have received a new two-year contract extension.

On an 8-1 vote, the school board on Monday approved the new Collective Bargaining Agreement, as recommended by the school board negotiations committee.

Director Gale Husack, who cast the lone vote in opposition, explained her stance after the meeting.

“My goal as a school board member is to provide support, and to be fiscally responsible while representing all our stakeholders,” Husack said. “I believe we need to look at short-term impacts, but we also need to understand the long-term effects on our decisions, while continuing to support all parties involved.”

Husack added, “The current pandemic has provided both cost savings, and cost increases, that we will need to look at while balancing our decisions over the next few months and years.

“Unfortunately, we do not have a crystal ball; however, this contract will play strongly into our continued discussions within the budget process this year and years following. I am glad that an agreement was made on Monday night - even though I voted no - as it has provided stability for our staff as we continue to navigate our future pathways.”

The agreement, between the district and the Northern Lehigh Education Association, is effective Aug. 1, 2021, through July 31, 2023.

It calls for a 2.72% increase in the first year, and a 2.87% increase in the second year.

Health care is an increase of 2.5% employee premium share contribution in the first year, and 5% employee premium share contribution in the second year.

After the vote, Tim Weaber, NL Education Association president, praised the board for reaching the extension.

“I would like to thank the school board for working closely with us in renegotiating our contract extension for another two years, and I’m looking forward to great things in the future,” Weaber said. “Thank you very much.”

After the meeting, Superintendent Matthew J. Link said the agreement came after several rounds of negotiations.

“I want to thank the negotiating teams from both groups for their time and effort put into reaching the agreement,” Link said.