The health and social services network complaint examination system

Since June 1, 2021, local service quality and complaints commissioners at integrated health and social services centres and integrated university health and social services centres are responsible for handling complaints from users of public and private institutions.

Any user of the health and social services network who thinks their rights have not been respected, who is not satisfied with the services they have received or who witnesses a situation of concern can report the situation or file a complaint.

The complaint examination system ensures that users' complaints are assessed and handled confidentially and independently and that users are supported throughout the procedure. The heir or legal representative of a deceased user or a person who is representing the user may also file a complaint. The use of the complaint examination system is governed by the Act respecting health services and social services .

More specifically, the Act provides for:

Before filing a complaint, a user can discuss the situation with the staff concerned or the person in charge of care and services at the institution. If they are still not satisfied despite the answers obtained, they must contact the institution's local service quality and complaints commissioner.

On this page:

Know your rights as a user

As a user of the health and social services network, you have rights and it is important to know what they are.

You have the right to be informed:

You have the right to receive:

You have the right to access your information and to make different choices such as:

You also have the right to be treated with courtesy, fairness and in a safe manner, with respect for your dignity, autonomy and needs.

If you think that your rights have not been respected, you have the right to:

You can consult the original version of users' rights in the Act respecting health services and social services .

Report a situation of infringement of rights or abuse

If you find that the rights of a user or group of users are not respected or if you suspect or witness a situation of abuse, you can do something about it.

Inform the local service quality and complaints commissioner of the institution concerned immediately. The procedure is confidential.

File a complaint

Complaints may be made verbally or in writing to the local service quality and complaints commissioner. The procedure is confidential and can be stopped at any time.

The complaint examination procedure allows a user to make a verbal or written complaint about the health or social services they received, they should have received, they are receiving or they should be receiving.

The local commissioner is responsible for enforcing the institution's complaint examination procedure. Since they report directly to the board of directors, they have the independence required to carry out their mandate. They examine complaints with neutrality, objectivity and impartiality. They also report annually on their activities and their recommendations for service improvement.

If necessary, you can be supported by the person of your choice throughout the procedure. You can also be supported by a member of the institution's users' committee or by a person from the complaints assistance and support centre in your region.

A complaint may be filed by:

Filing a complaint is a constructive action that ensures that users’ rights are respected and helps improve the quality of health and social services.

Steps involved in filing a complaint

The main steps when you contact a local service quality and complaints commissioner are as follows:

  1. They receive your request and can help you formulate your complaint.
  2. They examine your complaint to identify the problem and try to solve it. At this point, they will ask you for your version of events.
  3. They collect information from the people involved.
  4. They inform you of the outcome within 45 days of receiving your complaint. Their findings are accompanied by solutions to solve the problem or recommendations for corrective measures made to the institution. The findings are communicated verbally if the complaint is verbal and in writing if it is written.
  5. You may file a second-level complaint if you are not satisfied with the commissioner's findings or recommendations.

Resources and institutions subject to the health and social services network complaint examination system

The following resources and institutions are subject to the complaint examination system: