After successfully completing the mock drill at your site or office, as being HSE/fire and safety professional, you can use these main points. to download Mock Drill Report Format in Microsoft Word format, just click the downloading link given at the end of this post.
1. Area & Location.
2. A mock drill conducted on
3. The number of persons.
(B) Excavation collapse.
(C) Fall from Height.
(D) Emergency Evacuation.
(E) Occupational Emergency.
5. Name of the observer.
7. Time of declaration of emergency.
8. Whether cordoning off is done.
9. Whether emergency alarm sounded.
10. First responder response time.
11. Whether workers assembled at the assembly point.
12. Whether ambulance/Medical staff were called, and time is taken accordingly.
13. Time of all clear.
14. Total time elapsed.
15. Previous total time.
16. Deficiency observed during the exercise.
17. Action recommended for improvement.